What is a "Quality Control Alert"?
In order to ensure that sake is served to customers in optimum condition, and a 'first in, first out (FIFO)' method of stock management is followed, a 'Quality Control Alert' is displayed if a restaurant has not scanned a product as 'sold' more than 60 days after it has been scanned as 'received (=in stock)' at the restaurant.
The alert is automatically resolved
1) when the restaurant user records a "selling" scan (=scanned as 'sold' ) at the time of sale, or
2) when the restaurant user reports as "in stock" via SBC dashboard by scanning the product.
In case of 2), the alert status will be reverted to "Urgent" if a selling scan is not performed for an additional 30 days after the Quality Control Alert was issued.
How to process a "Quality Control Alert"
The restaurant user is responsible for responding to the alert. Please contact your customer to ensure sales and quality control guidelines are followed.
❶If the restaurant still has the product in stock
→ To resolve QC alert, the restaurant user must report as "in stock" by scanning the QR code on the product from the 'Distribution Information' screen on SBC.
Otherwise, adding a selling scan at the time of sale will also resolve the alert.
❷If the restaurant has forgotten to do the selling scan and has already sold the product (no bottles in stock)
→The restaurant user must report as "already sold" from the 'Distribution information' screen on SBC.
See following chapters for more information.
How to use the 'Distribution Information' screen
- Login to SBC Dashboard
- Select the menu
- Select the relevant alert
- Click on the "Process" button
- Two options will be displayed
❶If the restaurant still has the product in stock
Select the "Register as in-stock" option.
Once the camera is activated, scan the QR code of the relevant product.
The alert is automatically updated to Resolved.
Please note that if a selling scan is not performed for an additional 30 days after the "Quality Control Alert" was issued, the alert will revert to Urgent again.
❷If the restaurant has forgotten to do the Selling scan and has already sold the product (no bottles in stock)
If the restaurant user selects 'Register as sold', a confirmation screen will appear.
Once the confirmed, the following notification email is sent to the distributor, SBC administrator, brewery, and the alert is automatically updated to Unresolved.
⚠️ Users (distributor/restaurant accounts) with ongoing Unresolved alerts may have
supply suspended to ensure the security and quality control of products are maintained.
TITLE:[SakeBlockchain] Bottle sold without Selling Scans at "Restaurant's Name"
Restaurant's Name has responded to the Quality Control Alert and reported that the following bottle has been alreaady sold without Selling scan.
The alert status has now been updated to "Unresolved."
Please contact your customer to ensure sales and quality control guidelines are followed.
Restaurant's Name已經對質量控制警報作出回應,並報告說以下瓶子已經在沒有銷售掃描的情況下被售出。
該警報狀態現已更新為 "未解決"。 請聯繫您的客戶,以確保銷售和質量控制準則得到遵守。
Restaurant's Nameが発生した品質管理アラートに対し、販売スキャンをせずに販売済みと報告しました。
アラートは「未解決」に更新されました。 拠点に連絡し、販売・品質管理ガイドラインを遵守いただくよう指示してください。
Restaurant's Name에서 발생한 품질 관리 알림에 대해 판매 스캔을 하지 않고 이미 판매된 것으로 보고했습니다.
경고가 '미해결'로 업데이트되었습니다. 해당 지점에 연락하여 판매 및 품질 관리 가이드라인을 준수하도록 지시해 주시기 바랍니다.
■Alert Details
Location: Restaurant's name (Country name)
Alert date: MM/DD/YYYY, HH:MM:SS AM/PM
Serial number: Juyondai Red Label :17487
Sake Blockchain Login : https://dash.craftsake.com
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